Vukica Jovanovic, Old Dominion University – e-Portfolio

About me

Dr. Jovanović is currently serving as Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology Department, in Mechanical Engineering Technology Program, part of Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. She is teaching classes in the area of mechatronics, computer aided modeling and computer integrated manufacturing. She is serving as an ASME Robots for Relief adviser and used to serve as an IEEE Car Team co-adviser. She is active member of IEEE Hampton Roads Chapter. Prior to joining ODU’s Engineering Technology Department Dr. Jovanovic was teaching at Trine University, Angola, Indiana at Design Engineering Technology Department and as a Lead Faculty of International Studies program at Master of Leadership degree in School of Professional Studies. Before Trine, she was working as a Graduate Research Assistant at Purdue University at Mechanical Engineering Technology and Computer Graphics Technology departments. She also served as instructor in STEM Academic Boot Camp, Diversity Program. Prior to joining Purdue, Dr. Jovanovic worked as a faculty at University of Novi Sad where she was actively involved in European Robotic Association EUROBOT.  Before she came to the U.S. she served as a Chair of Organizing Committee of Serbian National Robotic Competition in 2005 and 2006. 

She received a PhD in Technology while working as a PhD student in Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle Management Center of Excellence at Purdue University. While she was a PhD student she worked for Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology (2006-2008) and Department of Computer Graphics Technology (2008-2010), both at School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Dr. Jovanović received degree (M.Eng.) in Industrial Engineering, Area of Specialization in Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation from University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She graduated with her Magistar (PhD Candidate) degree in Industrial Engineering, at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, specialization area in Production Systems Design. She worked as an Assistant (tenure track position) at Departments of Mechanical Engineering (Fall 2001) – Machining Technologies – Metrology Lab and at Department of Industrial Engineering and Management – programs: Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management and Mechatronics from 2002-2006. 

She had internships in engineering services (Nobletek – Engineering and PLM Solutions, previously TechniGraphics, Inc., Southfield, MI), aerospace (Aeronova Aerospace – Vitoria/ Gasteiz, Spain), and power generation industries (Electrical Power, Uzice, Serbia). She worked as a visiting researcher at Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia during summer of 2003 – IAESTE program.  In addition, Dr. Jovanovic’s scholarly publications include six book chapters, fifteen journal articles and forty seven papers in conference proceedings, two technical reports, and seven poster presentations focusing on mechatronics, manufacturing, product lifecycle management, and engineering education.